JUDr. Filip Petrinec, PhD.

attorney at law | licensed advocate



He specializes mainly in compliance, consumer protection, and e-commerce, IT law, GDPR, payment services, crypto regulation, protection against money laundering and terrorism financing (AML), legal disputes, international debt recovery, commercial contracts, Cloud Computing, claims for damages and non-pecuniary harm, and personality protection.

As a lawyer in the past, he worked in the field of legislation, EU law implementation, and advocacy. In addition to legal education, he also obtained education in business management at the doctoral level of study at the Faculty of Management of Comenius University in Bratislava.

He has professional experience from the activity of the central body of state administration – the Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic, where he gained experience in the creation of national legislation and the implementation of EU law in the field of consumer protection and the internal market of the EU.

For several years, he served as the representative of the Slovak Republic in expert groups of the European Commission dealing with the revision of EU secondary law and the creation of new legal regulations.

He is the author of a commentary on Act No. 102/2014 Coll., as well as many interpretative articles and publications from the publisher Poradca Podnikateľa. Currently, in addition to practicing law, he also engages in lecturing, consulting, and lecturing activities.


From the publication activity, we select for you:

COMMENTARY ON THE LAW: Petrinec F., Act No. 102/2014 Coll. on consumer protection in the sale of goods or the provision of services under a contract concluded at a distance or a contract concluded outside the seller’s business premises and on the amendment of certain laws

Commentary on the law; Business Advisor; Žilina 2014; ISSN-1337-4966, update No. 109.

Ban on trying on clothes and money back

April, 2020, Legal News, ISSN 2454-0048, https://www.pravnenoviny.sk/zakaz-skusania-odevov-a-vratenie-penazi

Unfair business practices

July, 2017, Legal News, ISSN 2454-0048, https://www.pravnenoviny.sk/nekale-obchodne-praktiky

Payment services – providing gift cards

March, 2019, Legal News, ISSN 2454-0048, https://www.pravnenoviny.sk/platobne-sluzby-poskytovanie-darcekovych-kariet

How is it possible to „optimize“ the costs of entrepreneurs in fulfilling consumer laws?

April, 2020, Legal News, ISSN 2454-0048, https://www.pravnenoviny.sk/ako-je-mozne-optimalizovat-naklady-podnikatela-pri-plneni-spotrebitelskych-zakonov

Mobile applications and rules for their use

February, 2019, Legal News, ISSN 2454-0048, https://www.pravnenoviny.sk/mobilne-aplikacie-a-pravidla-ich-pouzivania

Hotel law: Recording accidents

March, 2019, Legal News, ISSN 2454-0048, https://www.pravnenoviny.sk/hotelove-pravo-evidencia-urazov

GDPR and merchant loyalty programs

May, 2019, Legal News, ISSN 2454-0048, https://www.pravnenoviny.sk/gdpr-vernostne-programy-obchodnikov

New gambling law

March 2019, EPI / Business Advisor, ISSN 2644-467, https://www.epi.sk/clanok-z-titulky/Novy-zakon-o-hazardnych-hrach-2019-tt2019.htm

New limitation period for consumer claims

January, 2019, EPI / Business Advisor, ISSN 2644-4674, https://www.epi.sk/clanok-z-titulky/Nova-uprava-premlcania-spotrebitelskych-narokov-tt.htm

GDPR: Breach of personal data protection

August, 2019, EPI / Business Advisor, ISSN 2644-4674


Personality protection vs. personal data protection and the right to be forgotten

June, 2018, Legal News, ISSN 2454-0048.

First serious intervention for UBER granted by EU law

May, 2017, Legal News, ISSN 2454-0048.

New approach in resolving disputes between consumers and traders

January, 2016, EPI / Business Advisor, ISSN 2644-4674

Information and Communication Flow and Deposit Control (realization of the „Patriot Act“ in the EU environment) – Filip Petrinec, Faculty of Management, Comenius University in Bratislava

March 20, 2013, Online Privacy Conference, Malta 2013: Consenting to your Future

Petrinec F .; Cloud Computing and its place in the current information society; Procedural and legal regulations and their impact on the effectiveness of the actions of public authorities,

Proceedings of the International Conference; 2012. ISBN 978-80-89267-89-7